Treasurer’s Tips


Mission requires money!

Our mission dollars make a big difference for women, children and youth locally and around the world. Thank you for your generosity and hard work to raise funds.

Does your local unit have extra funds at the end of the year?

The monies given for United Women in Faith are given for mission. However, a local group may discover, toward the end of a given year, that it has more money than it needs to carry it into the first few months of the new year. This may have happened because:

  • Expenses for projects or programs came in under budget. 
  • Sources of income were underestimated. Income from a fundraising event may not have been budgeted.
  • The budgeted amount for the Pledge to Mission was too low.

All local UWF units, districts, and conferences should “empty the treasury,” retaining only the funds you’ll need to get started in January. Plan to send your end-of-year-funds to your District for your Pledge To Mission giving.

We need to support our national organization and not look to what other agencies might need extra help.  We have a huge need to support what we have already committed to through UWFaith. 

A local group should keep in its’ treasury only the minimum amount necessary to carry it into the first few months of the next year, until members’ Mission Giving pledges and gifts begin coming in. The committee on finance recommends how to use these extra funds. The committee could choose one of the following options:

  1. Send the extra funds as additional mission funds (added to your Pledge to Mission).
  2. Present one or more Special Mission Recognitions or Gifts to Mission to members or friends of the unit.
  3. Make a supplementary gift to “A Brighter Future for Children and Youth,” a mission program that receives United Women in Faith National Office funding.

Funds given in these ways to “empty the treasury” should be sent to the district treasurer. The act of emptying the treasury is important because the funds were given to be used for mission, not to build up a bank account for the unit. Saving for a rainy day is not good stewardship since today is a rainy day for thousands of women, children, and youth for whom our mission money offers hope.

Mission giving is God-led, vital, exciting, and essential to us as United Women in Faith. 
We are the current generation of women who can say,
“With God’s help, WE ARE THE LOVE IN ACTION that is changing the world!”
Questions? Contact your District Treasurer or the Conference Treasurer, Robin Jones (318/228-3099).